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Remote Learning

Below are the guides for both parents and pupils on how to access the Class Dojo platform.

Remote Learning Guidance

Remote Learning 

Remote learning refers to learning that is completed away from the physical school building. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many children have been required to learn remotely during the academic year 2019-20 and 2020-21. The overall purpose of remote learning is to minimise the disruption to pupils’ education through providing access to learning that mirrors what would have been provided in school.

At Newport Primary School, we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote working whether for an individual pupil the whole school due to a local or national lockdown. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed.

Guidance for isolation from the DfE for the academic year 2021 – 22 has changed so we would anticipate that there will be fewer pupils having to learn remotely. However, our infrastructure for remote learning will remain in place in order to ensure continuity in learning should the need arise.

How will remote learning be provided?

A child could be required to isolate for up to 10 days. Some children may be ill during this period but the vast majority will be well and able to access learning.

Government guidelines require schools to provide education for children who are in isolation.

At Newport we aim to do this by:

  • Using ClassDojo as our main platform for setting & responding to work and communicating with the children;
  • Make use of our on-line subscription services to support the learning. These include TT Rockstars and Reading Plus;
  • Where appropriate recommend other apps and web based learning to enhance our provision;
  • Align remote education, to ensure pupils can move between physical and remote education;
  • Where new material is required to be taught, provide this through school created videos of lesson inputs, third party videos or annotated notes on ClassDojo. This will vary according to the age of the child, the curriculum area and the number of children isolating at the time.

We will also Provide contact with the pupils through: 

  • Daily work feedback via ClassDojo;
  • Recorded lessons (where appropriate);
  • Weekly phone conversations with nominated member of school staff (known to the pupil);
  • Door-step visits when necessary

How long your child’s work should take

EYFS2 – 3 hours daily (including time for practical tasks)
Key Stage 13 hours daily
Key Stage 24 hours daily

Support to access remote education for children who do not have digital or online access at home

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We can support those pupils to access remote education by loaning laptops to families who would not otherwise have access to remote on-line learning. A loan agreement needs to be signed by parent/carer. There is an expectation that devices will be returned to school at the end of the period of isolation/closure.

There may be rare occasions where we are unable to support on-line learning. In these cases, we will be able to provide paper-based learning for pupils.

If you require support to access remote learning, please contact the school office on (01642) 861911 or email admin@newportprimary.org.uk.

When will my child receive remote learning? How will they get feedback?

SituationWhat remote learning will be provided?What feedback and contact can I expect?
Child is ill with a ‘standard’ childhood illness e.g. cold or chicken poxNo remote learning is required. 
Child is ill enough not to be in school therefore should be recovering.       Teacher should ‘catch up’ child as per normal practise for a short, couple of day absence 
Contact as per attendance policy from the office staff
Child is isolating, awaiting a test resultShort term absences 1–4 days – no work required         Suggestions of activities to allow your child to practise their basic skills will be put up on ClassDojoNo feedback provided 
A child is isolating due to receiving a positive test result10 days of remote learning hosted on ClassDojo·         
Learning could be one day behind the rest of the class to allow for manageability.        Expectation that learning completed will be comparable to that completed in school
Feedback through ClassDojo from the class teacher assisted by the Teaching Assistants as required
Local lockdown.Decisions on remote learning will be in line with Government Guidance and will incorporate the methods used above   To be decided depending on severity of the lockdown and the number of staff required in school 

Below are the guides for both parents and pupils on how to access the Class Dojo platform

Expectations for pupils engagement and the support from parents and carers at home

We expect that children will be logging on to ClassDojo and completing all tasks set daily. We would ask parents/carers to support their child to log on and support them to understand the tasks that are asked of them. It is helpful to follow a daily routine – teachers have provided suggested timetables via their class page to help you to implement this. We do not expect children to work beyond the usual school day (9am – 3pm).

It is important that children have regular breaks and also take physical exercise.

We recognise that supporting your child’s learning at home is challenging; we ask that parents/carers contact the school to discuss any issues or concerns so that we can provide support and advice.

How will we support children who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • Provide suitably differentiated work that is within the child’s ability but also provides a level of challenge
  • Ensure you have any equipment that your child usually uses at school (e.g. special pencil grips, coloured overlays etc.)
  • Access to messaging via ClassDojo or weekly phone calls to qualified teachers to provide advice/support
  • We will continue to make referrals to relevant agencies and liaise wth professionals such as Speech and Language and implement recommendations as appropriate
  • Ideas for practical activities to meet learning objectives

For younger pupils, such as those in Reception, we will ensure we provide ideas for activities that enable the children to be active and require less ‘screen time’.

  • Eco Schools

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